The First Mother on Earth (Eve)
By: Abdul Hak Dabliz
God almighty orders us to love our mothers, to be gentle with them, to respect them, and to care about them. The majority of people very seldom mention the name Eve, which is what the first female was called.There are books written about Eve, magazines called Eve, also movies were produced and described Eve as the reason, or the cause, that Adam descended from heaven to earth, and she is the
one who tempted Adam to eat from the apple tree.
In fact, Eve did not do that, and Adam had the biggest share of the blame.This particular story is reported in the Quran, section #20, verses 115-123: 115: And certainly we gave a commandment to Adam before, but he forgot; and we did not find in him any determination116: And when we said to the angels, "make prostration to Adam", they made prostration, but Iblis refused. 117: So we said, "O Adam! This is an enemy to you and your wife. Therefore let him not drive you both forth from the Garden so that you should be unhappy."
118: Surely it is (ordained) for you that you shall not be hungry therein nor bare of clothing.
119: And that you shall not be thirsty therein nor shall you feel the heat of the sun.
120: But Satan (the Shaitan) made an evil suggestion to him; he said, "O Adam! Shall I guide you to the tree of immortality and a kingdom which decays not?"
121: Then they both ate of it, so there evil inclinations became manifested to them, and they both began to cover themselves with leaves of the Garden, and Adam disobeyed his Lord, so his life became evil (to him).
122: Then his Lord chose him, so He turned to him and guided (him).
123: He said (God almighty), "Get forth you two there from, all (of you), one of you (is), enemy to another. So there will surely come to you guidance from Me, then whoever follows my guidance, he shall not go astray nor be unhappy."
The previous verses were addressed and directed to Adam, not Eve. So that the accusation of Eve being the cause to expel Adam from the Garden is false, and groups from a different religion did invent and fabricate this untruthful story, later on, more groups of different religions adopted this concept and inherited to others.
God almighty created Adam from dust, He added a little portion of water to become clay, then He baked the clay to become solid. After these stages God inserted in him a soul of His own. Eve was created differently, she was created from the rib of Adam. They came to life at a different time. He was the origin and she was branched off from him.
In section #4, verse #1, God almighty told us the following: O mankind! Fear your Guardian Lord, who created you from a single person,
created out of it, his mate, and from them twain scattered (like seeds) countless men and women.According to Islamic belief, woman was created by God to be man's partner. She is a positive good, a consoler, a source of happiness and fulfillment to man as man is to her.
If we ask ourselves, why God almighty created Eve from Adam's rib (particularly the left side). The answer must be very clear, so that to be close to his heart. To love and to be loved, sympathy, compassion, peace, kindness and contentment. The relationship between man and woman is a physical one, and emotional one, and a spiritual one. In this respect prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:
Man and woman (husband and wife) are to each other, like a solid structure, strengthen one another.
By: Abdul Hak Dabliz
God almighty orders us to love our mothers, to be gentle with them, to respect them, and to care about them. The majority of people very seldom mention the name Eve, which is what the first female was called.There are books written about Eve, magazines called Eve, also movies were produced and described Eve as the reason, or the cause, that Adam descended from heaven to earth, and she is the
one who tempted Adam to eat from the apple tree.
In fact, Eve did not do that, and Adam had the biggest share of the blame.This particular story is reported in the Quran, section #20, verses 115-123: 115: And certainly we gave a commandment to Adam before, but he forgot; and we did not find in him any determination116: And when we said to the angels, "make prostration to Adam", they made prostration, but Iblis refused. 117: So we said, "O Adam! This is an enemy to you and your wife. Therefore let him not drive you both forth from the Garden so that you should be unhappy."
118: Surely it is (ordained) for you that you shall not be hungry therein nor bare of clothing.
119: And that you shall not be thirsty therein nor shall you feel the heat of the sun.
120: But Satan (the Shaitan) made an evil suggestion to him; he said, "O Adam! Shall I guide you to the tree of immortality and a kingdom which decays not?"
121: Then they both ate of it, so there evil inclinations became manifested to them, and they both began to cover themselves with leaves of the Garden, and Adam disobeyed his Lord, so his life became evil (to him).
122: Then his Lord chose him, so He turned to him and guided (him).
123: He said (God almighty), "Get forth you two there from, all (of you), one of you (is), enemy to another. So there will surely come to you guidance from Me, then whoever follows my guidance, he shall not go astray nor be unhappy."
The previous verses were addressed and directed to Adam, not Eve. So that the accusation of Eve being the cause to expel Adam from the Garden is false, and groups from a different religion did invent and fabricate this untruthful story, later on, more groups of different religions adopted this concept and inherited to others.
God almighty created Adam from dust, He added a little portion of water to become clay, then He baked the clay to become solid. After these stages God inserted in him a soul of His own. Eve was created differently, she was created from the rib of Adam. They came to life at a different time. He was the origin and she was branched off from him.
In section #4, verse #1, God almighty told us the following: O mankind! Fear your Guardian Lord, who created you from a single person,
created out of it, his mate, and from them twain scattered (like seeds) countless men and women.According to Islamic belief, woman was created by God to be man's partner. She is a positive good, a consoler, a source of happiness and fulfillment to man as man is to her.
If we ask ourselves, why God almighty created Eve from Adam's rib (particularly the left side). The answer must be very clear, so that to be close to his heart. To love and to be loved, sympathy, compassion, peace, kindness and contentment. The relationship between man and woman is a physical one, and emotional one, and a spiritual one. In this respect prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:
Man and woman (husband and wife) are to each other, like a solid structure, strengthen one another.